Daughter of Joy
Sierra Alicia Mcjimpsey = Daughter of Joy
Sierra, there are so many things to share as I contemplate writing this letter to you. I remember like it was yesterday, the very first time we saw you. Two things come to mind: 1. You had so much energy, and 2. You were full of joy. Never has a smile brightened a room like yours. You have shown me how important living in joy is as a parent.
Daughter of Compassion
Letters of a Loving Father
Lanija Lorena Mcjimpsey = Daughter of Compassion
Lanija, there are many things I desire to say that even this letter can't contain. Consider this a start to deeply sharing my heart with you. Today, know that you are always on my mind.
Son of My Youth
Marcus Lamont Rowland = Son of My Youth
Marcus, you are the son of my youth. You came into our lives at a time when we had the energy to not only teach you what was right but also model for you the right way.
Son of Purpose
In continuing with my mother’s letter-writing legacy, I have written the following letter to my deeply cherished son, Noah: Noah, you are the son of my purpose and there are several reasons why I call you this.
Letters of a Loving Father
Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers for your daily sacrifice and labors of love.
This celebration of mothers is always bittersweet for me. On the one hand I was blessed with the best childhood having Jennie Rosemond Allen as grandmother, two great aunts (Mattie Jamison and Bessie Allen), and Mama who were all a part of my matriarchal village. The bittersweet part is that they all have finished their course, having gracefully run their race in life.